Sunday, July 22, 2007

Maybe doctors should be called "roughnecks"...

You see, in surgery, there's this saying: "eat when you can, sleep when you can." That's basically the gist of it. We're always so busy that you just grab food when you can, and I take full advantage of the "sleep when you can" part of the saying. I'm sure they dont mean in front of patients, but sleep comes when it wills. I'm going to add to that saying "blog when you can." That's why there's two recent posts! Whoa! I had saturday and sunday off, so I'm just gonna blog away.

What should we talk about? Well, I want to talk about what lives on your neck. The program gives us three shiny white coats to wear. I've only been at it for about a month, but I have gone through all three coats with this nasty, dingy, dirty, ring around the collar on all three coats. What is living on my neck?! And, how does it get there so quick? I shower every day, and half the day I take my coat off to do stuff, so where is this nastiness coming from?! Yuck. This all has lead me to hypothesize that the neck, and not other nether regions of our bodies, is the nastiest place we have. Or at least, the nastiest place I have. Praise God for Zout! Hopefully it'll come right out.

That's about all I got for today. I have to read and study, and spend some time with my wife and dog. But its nice to be able to just sit down and relax for a bit. Just a random question: would you be weirded out by a doctor that wore a headband around his neck to prevent the nasty ring around the collar? I thought so, just thought I'd ask.

and this pic is just to show that we all need time to relax...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Beg your pardon?

I seriously find myself saying that all the time now. Not because I'm not interested in whatever the person in front of me is talking about. It's also not because I'm ignoring the person, or thinking about other things. I'm just tired. That's my new catch phrase. If you hear it from me, it's because I'm basically asleep. No offense to you, but I probably haven't heard a word you said....

There's this law, this blessed law that God gifted the minds of our government with that limits a residents work hours to 80 per week. Trust me, that is a good thing! It's good because, without the law, I would be working 100 hours a week....easily. Now with this law, I'm limited to 80, but I'm pretty much hitting 80 every week, some a little over, some a little under, but always close. Crazy huh?

Now I find myself sleeping in the cafeteria, while eating, or even on the toilet. No place saves me. I fell asleep in a dentists chair two days ago while I was being worked on. That's tired.

I dont know why I thought I would have more time to write this blog now, that's clearly not the case. But I do find time, so keep checking back....all three of you. Miss everyone. Quick family update for us: Erin LOVES 5th grade, and she's doing great. Sam is still a cute little teddy bear, and his new favorite game is chasing flies, even if they come close to me....even if it means he has to jump directly on my crotch. His favorite game, not mine. And i'm just tired. Beg your pardon?

here's a pic from the good ol days of fun and games...