Sunday, June 04, 2006

A picture is worth......lots o' stuff

So, this is where I would rather be. Sorry about the Hiatus. You know, one definition of hiatus is "something missing," and that is kinda how i've been feeling lately. I'm so tired.....not sure what's missing, but something.

So, here's the latest. I finished medicine, started and finished Psychiatry, and now I'm on OB/Gyn. Good Lord in heaven. Yes, I stare at them all day long. I dont think I've eaten in a week. I wont torture your mind anymore, let's move on.

Erin graduated, and now we're hoping that she can get a job as a schoolteacher and bring home the bacon. Mmmmm......bacon. She's singing again, and everybody is happier about that. Kody is doing well, but he's got this strange sock fetish lately. Dog breath mixed with my socks after a long day of staring at those makes for some nasty smells.

On a very happy note, only 356 days till I graduate, and I am now officially a member of the next graduating class of medical school. Weird time. Seniors graduated, soon to be juniors are studying for the first nasty national board, first years dont realize that they are going to have to stare at things down yonder yet, and we're in that "year" that actually lasts forever. How can they call it a year if it lasts 14 months?! I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Every day I get up and I'm like, "Yep, seen one of those yesterday........all day yesterday." Can you tell I dont want to be an OB/Gyn doc?

Love and happiness, it'll be more regular now, promise.