Thursday, March 23, 2006

Blurry days

So, here are my two favorite people. Kody is the furry little butterball and Erin is the hot blond, but I still dont know which one is more stubborn. I thought I'd give everyone a break from my random humor (read: 'humour' if in a wierd country), and just give everyone an update.

I'm in med school, yes, this we know. I'm on a tough month. I really have no concept what day it is ever. I know the date, I can recall phosphate levels and patient's medical record numbers from weeks ago, but yesterday I thought is was saturday. I guess thats what happens when you work 75 hours a week. The big news with me is that I am just trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my pressure.

Erin just returned from Nashville to sing on a dear friend's worship CD. It was mostly a vacation for her, and singing was a nice surprise bonus. She's still in school and just about done (gifts should be made of chocolate or checks made out to Jonathan Allen). At times I feel like she's busier than I am. She's near graduation, and then its on to student praying because we honestly can't get much poorer than we are now.....we hope.

Kody is big. This is an understatement. If he gets any bigger I'm going to have to buy a saddle and ride him like a shetland pony. He still can kick people's crotches even with a blindfold on. We love him and even though he's a little rambunctious at times, he's the sweetest dog in the world.

It's 7:45 pm, so this means its time for bed.....dinner was at 4:15. Why can't I get a senior citizen discount if I'm operating on these hours?! Love to all.

Monday, March 13, 2006


I've always been that guy that doesn't get things. For instance, how do boats work?! Thousands of pounds of metal floating in water.......I dont get it. I understand that there is science behind all of this, but c'mon, really? I mean, I only weigh like 245 and I have one heckuva time trying to float. The world is full of stuff like this that I dont get.

Like, who closes the door on the bus after the bus driver gets out?

Well, these things really get my interest. Things that I dont get, things I dont understand, this is what consumes me. There's tons. That's why I love medicine, it's great, it's scientific type stuff, but a lot of it I dont fascinates me. God is the same way. Music too. Like, I dont get how someone can sit down and write a bunch of lines on a page and it winds up being this beautiful harmony in some symphony.

I also dont get my wife, so its fair to say she consumes me too.

I guess there really is no point to this post other than this: be inspired by the fascinating. Life is fascinating, and sometimes I dont get it...but that's why I love it. It doesn't make sense sometimes, and at times it just flat out sucks, but it's too short to try and figure it all out.

There is one exception to all this: I dont get Jello, and I never want to deal with it again.